Enhance your Caregiving with an AI-Powered Assistant

Health Connect AI empowers healthcare workers with sophisticated AI tools, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of home caregiving.

Our platform supports your day-to-day responsibilities by providing access to essential information and communication tools, ensuring you can focus on what matters most – patient care.

Experience an AI that complements your caregiving expertise. Our app works alongside healthcare workers, offering insights and assistance to enrich care quality without replacing the invaluable human touch.

Assess, Support, and Educate

Our intuitive technology and expert system assist healthcare workers in assessing patient needs, researching care options, creating custom care plans, and educating patients.

Symptom Assessment

Experience confidence in care decisions with AI-guided insights into potential conditions and care strategies. You can ensure timely and appropriate responses by knowing when to escalate to medical staff or when to implement recommended care options.

Patient Notes

Enhance patient care with essential notes accessible right from your mobile device. You can keep track of care plans, patient preferences, contact details, and other critical information, ensuring personalized care anytime, anywhere.


Access instant, expert guidance on-the-go through our Kerbside Assistant Bots. Whether you need advice on physical therapy, nutrition, alternative medicine, palliative care, gerontology, or mental health, you can rely on specialized real-time guidance to support high-quality patient care.

Detailed Care Plans

Experience consistency and effectiveness in care delivery with comprehensive guides and protocols for various scenarios. You can simplify both routine and complex condition management, ensuring your patients receive the best possible care.

Clinical Notes

Improve care coordination and compliance by transforming shorthand or bullet points into comprehensive SOAP and SBAR notes. You can streamline the creation of standardized clinical documentation, ensuring effective handoffs and better overall care management.

Empathy Assistant

Navigate difficult conversations with ease and enhance patient trust by accessing thoughtful and encouraging AI-generated words of support. You can provide compassionate care during moments of uncertainty, building stronger patient relationships.

Supporting Limited Resource Settings

No matter the location, HealthConnect AI can help.

With the ability to handle resource-limited settings and limited scopes of practice, it doesn’t matter if you are a rural clinic in Uganda, outback Australia, a remote island, or a trained caregiver at home without prescribing rights, HealthConnect AI has you covered.

Limited Medications

Create treatment plans using the medications available in your clinic or setting. The AI adapts to what you have on hand, ensuring effective care without unnecessary prescriptions.

Limited Diagnositics

Utilize the diagnostic tools you have. HealthConnect AI provides guidance based on the tests you have available, making sure you get accurate diagnoses with the resources at your disposal.

Limited Scope

Operate within your training and certification. HealthConnect AI offers support that respects your scope of practice, guiding you to refer patients when advanced care is needed.

Getting Started has Never Been Easier!

Engage with our platform to generate custom care plans, educational materials, and manage patient communications with just a few clicks. Our chat functionality allows for interactive dialogues to refine plans and adapt to patient feedback in real-time.
Note: English screenshot shown. Other languages can be easily selected.

A New Era of Healthcare Collaboration

Powered by GPT-4, Health Connect AI leverages the latest AI advancements to provide customized support solutions, enhancing your caregiving capabilities with unparalleled precision.


Enhance your productivity and professionalism by converting bullet points and shorthand notes into polished emails, letters, reports, and formal documents. You can improve workflow and patient engagement through clear and effective communication.

Educate Patients

Improve patient compliance and outcomes by providing educational materials in your patient's preferred language. You can effectively bridge language divides, ensuring your patients fully understand their care and treatment options.


Use the app in your preferred language, asking questions and receiving answers in the language you understand best. This effectively removes the barriers that previously restricted access to essential knowledge unavailable in your native tongue.

Get your personal medical assistant.

Beyond Basic Understanding

Trained to a higher level than other standard AI solutions, every response is crafted with the insight and precision you'd expect from an expert in the field, ensuring that the answers are specifically tailored to your patients needs and caregiving challenges.

Privacy Assured

Unlike other AI solutions, our platform ensures that all entered data remains confidential and is not used for training purposes. Your privacy is our priority, aligning with HIPAA standards to safeguard your information and maintain the highest level of trust and security.

Tuned for Limited Resources

HealthConnect AI stands out as the only multilingual AI-powered tool specifically tuned for caregiving support in resource-limited settings or with limited scopes of practice, including symptom management, care coordination, and patient education.


We like to keep things simple! Get access to everything for a low monthly fee.

Save with annual plans.

Convert your free trial into a paid plan at any time.

Monthly Plan

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Annual Plan

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. Per Year

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Institutions / Charity

Access for all healthcare providers


5+ Providers

Group Discount

Prices are in .. Local currency options available for Medical Centers, Hospitals, and Clinics.

Embrace the Future of Caregiving Today

Health Connect AI is more than just a tool; it’s your dedicated companion in caregiving.

Experience how AI can revolutionize your approach to healthcare, enhancing the way you care for patients every day.

Note: This tool is designed to support healthcare workers and is not a replacement for professional medical advice.
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